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Elsine Haugstad har jobbet med en rekke orkestre i det profesjonelle og brede musikklivet, og er fra sesongen 2023/24 
2. Kapellmeisterin & Chordirektorin ved Theater Lüneburg. Her har hun dirigert ballettforestillinger, musikaler, bestillingsverk, familiekonserter og egne konsertproduksjoner.

Hun har også jobbet med Göteborg Wind Orchestra, Trondheimsolistene og produsert konserter med Dextra Musica for Hemsingfestivalen. Hun mottok Statens Kunsterstipend
for nyutdannede etter mastereksamen i orkesterdirigering
fra Stuttgart, og studerte dessuten i Dresden og ved Norges Musikkhøgskole. Her har hun nylig også vært engasjert som universitetslektor for unge dirigentspirer.


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Elsine Haugstad is a freelance conductor based in Oslo. She completed her master degree in orchestral conducting at Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, under the tutelage of Prof. Per Borin. She was also decisively shaped by studies at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden with Prof. Ekkehard Klemm. Elsine graduated with bachelor degrees in orchestral conducting and piano from the Norwegian Academy of Music, where Prof. Ole Kristian Ruud, Sigmund Thorp and Einar Steen-Nøkleberg were her teachers.

In August/September 2022, Elsine was invited to the Theater of Lüneburg as a guest chorus director for «Il Trovatore». She will also make her debut conducting the Gothenburg Wind Orchestra and soloist Per Arne Glorvigen in October 2022. Recent projects include collaborations with Trondheimssolistene and actor Anders Baasmo (2021), Lillehammer Symphony Orchestra (2015-22) and RingsakerOperaen (2021, assisting MD Torodd Wigum).

Elsine conducted orchestras such as Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester, Württembergische Philharmonie and Orchester der Staatsoperette Dresden, and was an assistant in Semperoper Junge Szene (Klemm, Ronnefeld: "die Nachtausgabe"). She led education programmes with Elbland Philharmonie and with Dextra Musica and actor Eilif Noraker, the latter for Hemsing Festival.

Masterclasses with Prof. Jorma Panula, Mark Stringer, Johannes Schlaefli, Alexander Vedernikov and Susanna Mälkki also shaped her path, working with ensembles such as South Jutland Symphony Orchestra, Norwegian Radio Orchestra and Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie.

Elsine is also a passionate teacher in conducting and related subjects, and is currently teaching young aspiring conductors at the Norwegian Academy of Music’s Talent Programme with her colleague Lars-Thomas Holm.

Elsine has received several scholarships, such as the Government Grant for young artists (2019), Dea Music scholarship (2017), Fegerstens scholarship for norwegian composers and performing musicians (2016), Tom Wilhelmsens stiftelse (2015), and Norwegian Fund for performing artists (2015,19).

© 2023 by Elsine Haugstad

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